Friday, July 13, 2012


          I LOVE YOU... a very sweet word with a very meaningful meaning to the opposite sex, but when it comes to the cyber history, it's a whole different story...

           I LOVE YOU virus also known as Love Letter is a computer worm, it is a computer worm that successfully attacked tens of millions of computers in the year 2000, when it was sent as an attachment to a user's emails with the text "ILOVEYOU" in the subject line. It is originated in 1999 from a thesis that had been rejected, developed by Onel de Guzman, a student of AMA college in the Philippines. it's suppose to be a computer project program that will hack into computer systems and extract vital information, particularly Internet Service accounts like e-mail addresses and internet services, but unfortunately, His thesis is rejected by the College of Computer Studies academic board. After AMA's graduation on May 3, 2000 (Philippine time) an email arrived to millions of people throughout the world and caused a flood of e-mails that hit at least 45 million users in at least 20 countries, according to one estimate.upon opening the attachment, it immediately infects your computer. The infection first scan your PC's memories for passwords which are sent back to the virus' creator. Finally, the infection corrupts files ending with the formats of .vbs, .vbe, .js, .css, .wsh, .sct, .hta, .jpg, .jpeg, .mp2, .mp3 by overwriting with a copy of itself. With the simple subject of "ILOVEYOU" and an attachment "LOVE-LETTER-FOR-YOU.". The final extension was hidden by default, leading unsuspecting users to think it was a normal text file. Upon opening the attachment, the worm sent a copy of itself to everyone in the Windows Address Book and with the user's sender address. It also made a number of malicious changes to the user's system.

                     According to Guinness World Records, The I LOVE YOU virus was the most widespread computer virus of all time. The virus was traced to an apartment in Manila which Onel de Guzman was the tenant in that certain apartment, De Guzman was invited by the Philippine National Bureau of Investigation(NBI) for questioning. de Guzman admitted spreading the virus by "an accident". In reaction of what happened, AMA expelled de Guzman for what he had done, and considered him as a drop out for his entire life.The NBI charged De Guzman for violation of Republic Act 8484 or the Access Devices Regulation Act on 1998. But due to lack of sufficiency the Philippine Department of Justice dropped the charges as there was no clear laws regulating the World Wide Web. Due to this incident, June 14, 2000, Republic Act 8792 known as Philippine Electronic Commerce Act of 2000 was signed.

                   On what I've seen to this virus and his maker, the virus is a hassle when it comes you will get infected to it and the maker is a genius. Yes, its not ethical to create a virus just to flood some tens of millions computers all over the world, but you have to give it to the hacker who made the virus, he has a very brilliant mind. If I were to ask, the Philippines should be proud of him for having done such things, it's just a simple statement that not only Americans and Japanese can be a brilliant hackers. A Filipino can do it too., and though Onel de Guzman committed a cyber crime. He is still my hero, for he showed that not only some Americans and Japanese can do some hacking, a Filipino can also do what they can do also.

                  And as for the virus, if only he can reprogram it to make the firewall of the Philippines stronger and not that easy to be intrude by other countries.

                Just to wrap all things up, the lesson to be learned here is not to accept unknown email from an unknown persons, it may contain some harmful viruses that your anti virus can't handle. And also... two thumbs up for the maker of the ILOVEYOU virus.


  1. brave words.. standing up to your opinion no matter what the world thinks is gold.. you sir, earned my respect.

  2. thank you sir... hahahaha.. :D

  3. Reading this blog makes me proud of my country , previous school , and this guy * the blog writer *.

  4. never underestimate the intelligence and ingenuity of PINOYS :], nice blog son :} , you are very right he did a cyber crime but we look pass that and see his brilliance ^^

    1. agree... if only all Filipinos are like de Guzman... maybe will be on the top of the food chain... right?.. heheeheh.. :D

  5. Customize more to make it more readable and understandable. Nevertheless, THUMBS UP for your opinion.

  6. De Guzman did something GREAT... Evil....But GREAT.

  7. i remember this one back in my elementary days... ahhaha...

    1. just what actually happened on that days sir?... hahahaha.. not that I actually care?... hahaaha...

  8. Not all will think what De Guzman did was really good. But He is a sure genius though. He really showed us that Filipino's also has brilliant minds and really capable of something. I respect your opinion. Thumbs up to that! :)

    1. Thank you... :)
      I appreciate the comment.. :)
      and the thumb that is being up... hehehe...

  9. Strong words with a blogger of a Strong man!

    1. like being literal there man... hahahha.. but its ok.. I understand... ahahahha.. :))

  10. This ILOVEYOU virus is still kinda fresh in my memory. Nice blog. I get your point, and it's good that you have a stand on this too.
    You could modify some little parts though to make it better.

    Although in my opinion, even though this virus really did put our country on the map and all, the means still does not justify the ends.

    1. thanks... I might reconsider your comment on modifying or improving it more.. :D

  11. matalino si de guzman pero hindi nya yan ginamit sa kabutihan...

    1. talaga!.. :D
      hindi nga lang tama ang ginawa nya.. :D

  12. I do admire your brave opinion on the guy.... sure he has done an incredible job in making a supervirus that had the world shaken-up...yeah it was a marvelous work but the thought of it destroying thousands or millions of other people's computers is quite unheard off... yes, it bought recognition in our country but I doubt it's in a any way 'good' ... hehe...but we are different people and we have different opinions and I respect yours... sooo thumbs up! :)

  13. I believe there are still a lot of brilliant hackers in the Philippines this "de guzman" guys is just a mere drop of the underground community (e.g. I think the Anonymous organization has a Philippine headquarters somewhere). I'll have to disagree to you on this one because if he was really a "genius" as you refer to him, he wouldn't have gotten himself caught in the first place.

    1. maybe... the reason he got caught because of the technology of computers in the past... he don't have enough resources to secure his privacy...
      but more or less Mr. Roldan... I appreciate your comment... hope you will do this again sometime...

  14. Its very authentic and playful article, now I`, too confuse on witch virus is more dangerous! I hate virus that`s what I think. Pleas update Edzon for new update of your work so that we are in trend.

  15. this will encourage us to create another super virus , so people will know how superior we are xD

  16. wow,, wat a nice blog^__^ hehehe

  17. love me too, virus!... :D good job!!!

  18. ok... :D
    I WILL... hehehehe.. :D

  19. very strong words.....true to your self...good job...
    so we need to be careful if we receive any mail from unknown sender....

  20. we Filipinos are awesome,hehe :).... son just improve the color and font size of your blog, nonetheless its nice...keep it up!!

    1. YES!.. we are awesome... thanks for that... :D

  21. If he is good at hacking, he must be good in protecting our country from foreign hackers (better not to specify).

    1. we don't know?... if he is currently protecting our country as we speak?.. :D

  22. It's not just about hacking. What he did was more than that. It served as an eye opener especially to those whose systems were hacked. It shows that even the advantage of technology we are still vulnerable to cyber viruses. These hackers help us see that our defense systems are weak. The Philippines Gov't should have hired him and make him part of their IT teams.

    There are good hackers and hackers who use suh profession to corrupt others. I believe, like you said, he is commendable. Proud Pinoy here! P.S thanks to him we finally have laws to defend us crom cyber harassments.

  23. OMG it's super nice i love it :DD job well done :)) ...

  24. I see.. magaling si De guzman... sayang lng hindi napakinabangan sa tamang gawa ang prog nya... tsk... but nice blog.. kumpleto ang info.. :P

  25. Jolly good blogging chap! One can really understand the content of the text. Gearing towards information dissemination, public awareness and opinionated views. I like the way that you kept a state of equality between sides. Citing what should or should not be. There is still room for improvement, but I think that you should still be applauded for the effort on what you did with the content of your blog. More power and God bless!

  26. Good point of view! Please tell Mr. de Guzman to hack Facebook! kidding. nice blog! :)

  27. nice description of Ithe virus.....

  28. - dre nice one :)) maraming kaming natutunan d2 :) keep it up..

  29. informative kaayo....
    kuan,choose fonts or pictures that are readable and be careful also in choosing colors.

  30. Nice one son! Dili jud basta2x ang pinoy bah!

    1. tama... do not under estimate the knowledge of a pinoy...

  31. kung info ang paguusapan swag na swag, i mean kumpleto cia! naramdamn ku ang gusto mung ipahiwatig sa opinyon mo. kung aayusin mu pa ang pag lathala nang iyong opinyon ,naniniwala aku na malayo pa ang mararating mu! A good blogger comes from a good writer, and you can be one of them!


  32. This is interesting! I heard about it but I didn't seemed to care cause I really thought that I LOVE YOU virus was just something that they call for being in love and all that but wow! I wish I've known better!

    1. and now you've know that sistah gee... what would be your action or actions?... :D
